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Should I enroll my child in preschool?

Little Investigators

Between the ages of two and six years old, you have the option of placing your child in preschool. You may ask, “Why preschool? Isn’t my child learning enough at home or at childcare?” Your child is learning so many things at home, however, preschool is the start to your child’s school success. Some have called preschool the most important grade because of the long-term gains realized by children who were enrolled in high-quality early childhood education programs.

At Little Investigators, children learn a variety of new skills. Your child will learn how to:

  • Use his or her imagination

  • Develop his or her curiosity and wonder about the world

  • Improve problem solving skills

  • Socialize and interact with peers and teachers

  • Able to name his or her emotions and feelings

  • Complete a task

  • Practice self-care skills

  • Ask questions to better understand their world

  • Be persistent when learning something new

  • Increase vocabulary

  • Develop large and small muscles

Some of the benefits of enrolling your child in a high-quality program:

  • Brain Development

    • The brain develops the most in the first five years of life making this period the most crucial for children’s learning and development

    • Children in high-quality programs are more likely to be exposed to large amount of language through reading, singing, and talking which develop more neuron connections in the brain that handles language and supports their advanced thinking and problem-solving skills

    • Young children are still learning how to learn, and high quality child care helps them develop learning competencies like focus, self-regulation, memory, flexibility, and motivation as well as social and emotional skills, and motor skills.

  • School Readiness:

    • Children who have attended high-quality early learning programs have:

      • Fewer behavior problems

      • Improved math and language skills

      • Fewer cognitive and social issues

    • Less likely to need special education, repeat a grade, and most often graduate high school on time.

  • Future Success:

    • Children enrolled in high-quality early learning recognize lasting benefits:

      • They are more likely to achieve a four-year degree

      • They are higher-wage earners

Through the eyes of a child a high-quality preschool may mean feeling accepted for who they are no matter what their ability or culture. It means having friends and responsive adults, being emotionally and physically comfortable and the possibility of having a variety of fun, interesting, and engaging activities.

For a parent high-quality childcare safeguards a child’s health and safety, the child is happy, making friends, has interesting and positive experiences, and learns about a broad variety of topics. Childcare is often the key to balancing work and family; thus, parents need peace of mind while they are away from their child. Some parents may incorporate tangible school readiness activities, such as pre or early reading or learning to count, or learning social skills, such as cooperation. All of which are provided at Little Investigators.

We use Project Based Learning (PBL) to set our students up for long term success in their educational careers. PBL is an investigation into a real-world topic that the children are interested in. Teachers observe children’s play and questions to help guide our activities, projects can last a couple of weeks to a few months – it all depends on if the children are engaged and interested.

We are open and enrolling children for Fall 2021. Schedule your site tour now, we can’t wait to meet you!


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