
Transitional Kindergarten
Kindergarten Readiness

Cognitive/Academic Development
Able to write and recognize own name
Able to draw simple pictures
Identify colors, shapes, and patterns
Learn numbers 1 to 30
Understand the concepts of less and more
Beginning to identify rhyming words
Identify some alphabet letters
Sort similar objects by color, size, and shape
Ask questions
How we achieve this: question of the day, all school activities, field trips, singing, visiting expert presentations, art center, sensory bins, calendar activities, journaling, drawing, writing center, teachers encourage questions, debriefing at the conclusion of a project, puzzle and game center, building and block center
Social & Interpersonal Skills
Engage in cooperative play
Flexible and adjust to classroom routines
Develop independence, self confidence, self-efficacy
Learn to play well and empathize with others
Develop problem solving skills
Respect for others
Able to follow instructions and rules
Able to share items and space with others
Separate from parents without being upset
Understand that actions have causes and effects
Assume responsibility
How we achieve this: all school activities, morning meetings, role-play, story time, culture of conversation, mixed-age activities, small and large group discussions, dramatic play, teachers encourage questions, positive discipline techniques, social and emotional curriculum, anti-bias curriculum, Kimochis®
Large & Small Motor Development
Grasp and maneuver a pencil, crayon or marker
Cut with scissors
Dance to music
Jumping in place
Throw a ball
Can use fingers in finger-play
Trace shapes
Bounce a ball
How we achieve this: all activities, dancing, outdoor play, walking field trips, cooking activities, art center, beading activities, morning meetings, finger play games, puzzle and game center
Self Care Skills
Use the bathroom without help
Wash own hands
Able to dress by self (may still need assistance with buttons, zippers and shoelaces)
Can recite own first and last name, birth date, address, and phone number
Covers mouth with elbow or shirt sleeve when coughing or sneezing
Able to pick healthy foods from basic food groups
How we achieve this: encouragement and assistance from teachers, morning meetings, story time, roleplay, gardening, science center, teacher modeling, parent support and participation
Language Skills
Able to describe feelings and emotions
Increase vocabulary
Able to hold conversation
Talk in complete sentences of 5 - 6 words
With prompting, able to retell some key details of a story
Look at a picture and then tell a story
How we achieve this: morning meeting, encourage conversations, story time, rhyming games, solo reading, building and block center, dramatic play center, teachers ask open-ended questions, teacher modeling, parent support and participation, mixed-age activities, outdoor activities